Attended a British Cycling coaching course at the weekend near Burton, Derbyshire. Once I've passed, (everything crossed!), I'll be able to show young people and inexperienced adults, how to ride a bike. Sounds like a fairly easy thing to do....but you wouldn't believe the detail you have to go into to effectively teach this kind of stuff. I have loads of sourse work to complete and a further training day to attend in April. It was an intense experience, but a fun one. I also got to visit a regional beer shrine...The Burton Bridge Brewery. O.M.G. the beer was amazing!! I tried a pint of Sovereign and Golden Delicious (and it was!)

The rest of the coaching tainees, (really nice bunch)

Me and Benn(Redditch Premiers Chairman) under the National Forest Emblem
(...Reminds me of one my earlier pieces!)