Woke this morning at 4am. My body is still in Tokyo time. My dreams have been weirdly intense and trippy and my appetite's all over the shop. Good to have the cat back from the cattery though, Murphy was on my lap within an hour of being home, made up for having to go to work. It was amazing in Japan, sorry I didn't add much to the blog, there was just too much going in to allow anything to come out. I just took as many photos as I could and really took it all in. We love it even more now. We travelled all over, from Hakuba near Nagano, to Morioka in Nrthern Honshu then onto Hokkaido where we visited Hakodate, Sapporo, Daisetsuzan National Park and Muroran. God it was ace. The people we met were priceless and beautiful, I just want more interaction with them and must make an effort to learn the language in order to facilitate this.
I've uploaded my months allowance of photos onto
Flickr and will add more next month. Here's a few favourites, especially for the blog.
Gundam 30th Anniversay Statue - Tokyo

Tree Frog (About 1cm long!) - Aizu Wakamatsu
Daisetzusan National Park

Partial Eclipse - Sapporo, Hokkaido
Cicada - Sapporo, Hokkaido
Muroran Sea Coast