Well, the
WAVE Christmas Bazaar went so well on Saturday. We managed to sell heaps of stuff; items we'd collected from Charity shops and car boot sales over the past 15 years or so. The punters were in such good spirits, as were the stall-holders. Jo looked great in her, genuine, 80's yuppy dress, she smiled all day, (even when her heels began to hurt - thanks wibbs!). The Christmas music,(normally a bug 0f bear of mine) was ace too, I didn't hear Wizard or Slade once, the whole time! I'm seriously considering taking part in the next event because it was so much fun. Thanks for having us Clare, Lewis, Tom, Loll, Jen and finally Jo, and for the hard work you put in; it was nice to be part of something like this, you are putting Worcester on the creative map at last!
Next Fair is on Saturday 13th February.

WAVE Christmas Bazaar Fish Street Worcester

Jo(in the 80's frock) and me (hiding behind the toy shelf)