We travelled to Derby at the weekend. It's where I went to University. It's also where the first two rounds of the 2009 National BMX Series were taking place. It's been about fourteen weeks since I broke my leg, practicing at Chesterfield BMX track. I was a bit nervous about how I might feel, seeing my fellow racers having fun. The track at Derby is notorious as a 'lung buster' of a track, meaning it's long...very long. I have raced there before and find it tiring but continuously challenging. It was so good to see a huge turnout, (about 450 riders apparently) and catch up with my riding peers, some whom I haven't seen since October 2008. It was great to soak up the atmosphere of the day, as BMX race days are so unique. Kids in gladiator bubble helmets, pushing wafer-wheeled, pipe cleaner bikes. Ticking freewheels and the clacking of cycling shoes on dolomite gravel. The mixed aromas of chips, cheap coffee and chemical toilets are weirdly evocative of my childhood. The clash of the metal start gate dropping to the ground makes my stomach hollow with anticipation . I love BMX racing. I am really looking forward to having a go again soon. Watch this space.